Gold CAD $3,256.12 41.63 Silver CAD $42.72 0.40 Platinum CAD $1,405.34 23.10 USD/CAD 1.3639
Gold CAD $3,256.12 41.63 Silver CAD $42.72 0.40
Gold: CAD $3,256.12 41.63 Silver: CAD $42.72 0.40 Platinum: CAD $1,405.34 23.10 USD/CAD: CAD 1.3639 0.01


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Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm PST
Sat 10:00 am - 4:00 pm PST
Gold CAD $3,256.12 41.63 Silver CAD $42.72 0.40 Platinum CAD $1,405.34 23.10 USD/CAD 1.3639
Gold CAD $3,256.12 41.63 Silver CAD $42.72 0.40
Gold: CAD $3,256.12 41.63 Silver: CAD $42.72 0.40 Platinum: CAD $1,405.34 23.10 USD/CAD: CAD 1.3639 0.01

Market Loss Policy

All buy and sell orders with Border Gold are considered final. In the event of a cancelled order, Border Gold reserves the right to charge a Cancellation Fee along with a Market Loss Fee. These fees are outlined below:

  • Cancellation Fee: $50
  • Market Loss Fee:
    • If you are buying from BGC, the Market Loss Fee is the deficit between the price that BGC sold the item to you and BGC’s current asking price.
    • If you are selling to BGC, the Market Loss Fee is the deficit between the price BGC agreed to purchase from you and BGC’s current purchase price as at the date of cancellation or if no cancellation is confirmed by the customer, as at 72 hours after making the Sales Agreement.

Without limiting any other legal or equitable rights and remedies as may be available to BGC, BGC may elect to apply any and all of your funds in its possession (including credit card) to satisfy your monetary obligations and/or may offset any obligations that BGC may have to you. BGC also reserves the right to apply any or all funds in its possession toward the satisfaction of your obligations to BGC.

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